Free Online Resources

>> welcome to at one presentation discover free and open textbooks with the california open online library for education. you presenter is going to be una daly and she is the library service managers for the california open library school -- cool for add. a depository low cost. review for the top 50 college courses built by the california state university system. she is also a community college outreach

director at open education consortium were she promotes awareness and adoption of open educational practices to enhance teaching and learning and access and community colleges. prior to joining consortium she was director of college opening collaborative promoting adoption and accessible and affordable textbooks and part-time faculty and computer

information system at (indiscernible) community college. her expertise includes in portfolios for learning assessment and health licenses and engineering. she worked as software manager at apple computer and motorola are earning her masters degree in teaching and learning with technology. without any further due, i will turn it over to it. >> amanda coolidge: thank you very much and not. i'm

very pleased to be here to share with you about the california open online library for >> una daly: the california open online library is an intersegmental effort so what i mean by that is it involves all three of our public higher education systems, the california community colleges, the california state university system

and the university of california. i will get into a little more detail about this, but there was legislation passed about two years ago now to promote the use of open educational resources. and in order to make college more affordable for students and also to give faculty more choices and flexibility. the coolfored is the library portion of that. today, i want to go through a little bit about what open

education is. thank you for those who have being introducing yourself in the chat window. i appreciate that and i see we have (indiscernible) as a part-time faculty at csu channel islands in spanish. welcome. the reason i'm going to go through a little bit about what open educational resources are is there may be some of you out there who have heard about them but you

may not be exactly sure what they are and this is an opportunity to hear those definitions again and see how that resonates with you. there have been multiple surveys recently showing that faculty are still struggling with what open educational resource is. i think it is worthwhile to put time in their. we will talk about legislation and how it establish both faculty oer council and two from the community college system is on the

council. we will talk about that and did great work they are doing and talk about the survey results they have being working on and get into the digital open source library and how it is going to be housing those open educational resources that are the council are reviewing. and there will be additional information on faculty adoption portfolios and finally, how you can get involved. if you are interested in using oer or

peer reviewing open educational resources or textbooks in your discipline, there's opportunities for you to get involved in these programs. any questions before i jump in? >> no questions yet. >> una daly: okay. we are going to start with a quiz. i double-click there. a quick? has. no worries. nobody is

going to get handed grades. i'm going to ask you these questions and am going to ask you to either type in true or false into the chat window or you can use the checkbox at the top of the yes or no here if you like. our first question is textbook prices, i mean college textbook prices, have being increasing at the same rate as other consumer goods. is that true or false? margarita says fault. lisa

says fault. everybody says fault. we have a ringer audience out here. you guys are right. e-books are not the same as open textbooks. open textbooks do have digital component and and that since they are e-books, but e-books in general, the general term refers to the digital format of a publisher

textbook. it is not free to use or free to repurpose. final question. our open educational resources in the public domain. is that true or false we have a mixture of opinion here.? lse you are both correct. it can be in public domain. they're copyrighted materials that have open license

associated with them with allows free reuse and repurpose thing. i am sure many of you know public domain now in order for something to go into public domain, the copyright holders , it has to be 70 years after the copyright holder dies. it is a very long period of time and let somebody actually put something into the public domain. open educational resources more and more our of these resources

that people have the owners have associated with licenses. licenses. give yourself a hand. you did super. here is a graph. this is showing the textbook costs as they have risen over the last 30 years. since the late 70s, 70s,

textbook prices have gone up about a hundred 12 percent. that is the dark blue line at the top. if you look at the brown line-8 at the very bottom is the consumer price index over the last be years and they've gone up 250% in the same time. it is about three times. the textbook cost is about three times consumer price index. this has been a big part of the affordability problem with higher

education. what is the impact it has had on students? this survey here was performed in january 2014 it was the student public interest research group. the student response came back and said 65 percent of them choose to not buy textbooks at least at some time while attending college due to cost. that is the majority of students.

it is not like the students are choosing not to buy textbooks because they think they're useless. 94 percent report that concerned their grades are affected because they did not buy the textbooks. it is not a choice they are making willingly. and maybe even more serious problem sort of a student's success perspective is that 48 percent of students take fewer classes or different

classes due to textbook costs. we know that it is taking students longer to graduate because of these costs and they may be stopping out for a while in order to be able to afford to go back to school. a strong solution for this is the use of open educational resources. open educational resources could be textbooks,

they could be lesson plans. they can be videos. they can encompass any resource. what is key to this if they provide is they provide online access to students on the first day of class. all students start at the same level and if the students are on financial aid and have to wait for a check to come our students who are working away for their paycheck to come in, regardless, all students start with access to a digital

a digital textbook on day one of the class. there is generally low-cost print options for most of these textbooks. i will show you an example later on where you can see that. and finally, something that is important from a faculty perspective is that faculty can adapt these textbooks for students. you can take away material. if

there are too many chapters in the textbook and too confusing for your students, you can delete material. if you need to add material you can do that because it is open textbook. if your students have problems with their reading level, you can adapt the text said that it is appropriate for your students level. the department of education, i wanted to give you their definition of what open educational resource

is. they have a general definition is teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have being released under an intellectual property license and that is the property license we're going to talk about in a moment. the creative common license that allows for use or repurpose thing by others. and going back here, education is about sharing. this is something that is a very popular kind of

mantra and the open education movement. it is behind what the licensing infrastructure supports. teachers want to share knowledge freely and they do that in the classroom. students also share their understanding back and share with each other. teacher share with each other. copyright of materials can get in the way of that because you have to always go to the copyright holder to get permission. the open licensing we are going to talk about is going to

support this in proved sharing mechanism. how do we set this content free so that faculty and students can use it, can adapt it if need be without concern for infringement? the creative common license is a license that sits on top of copyright and allows an owner of a resource to open up permissions for that resource.s the licensed toes

you as a potential adopter of that license resorts how you can use it. you don't have to go directly to the copyright holder and asked permission because that is built into the creative commons license. if you look too far right it is public domain. open educational resources do not have to be in the public domain. public domain is where something no longer has ownership. creative commons license sits with

copyright and ownership is still maintained, but this author is allowing the sharing of the materials. very briefly, and open license has three conditions that you should be aware of. one is what we call the attribute or the bike condition and that is a required condition which means if you were to reopen a open educational resource and

republish it, you need to give attribution to the original author. the original author's name has name has to be in that new material that you republish.--by the other two conditions which are noncommercial and share alike are optional. someone creates open educational resource can decide when they release it under this license whether they

want to allow commercial use of their resource or not. that is what the noncommercial is and if you add that to your license in means it can only be used for noncommercial use. and finally, the last one is share alike and what that condition says is you take somebody's open educational resource and republish it, you need to republish it under the same license as they did originally.

and once again that is an option also. i recommend you go -- if you're curious about the details behind that -- i suggest going to creative common website and they take you to a tutorial on that. >> i have a quick question that comes up sometimes. just kind of related to creative commons and if you're not sure you want to put

the books back. when it says noncommercial, does that include for-profit universities? >> una daly: no. it is not specifically refer to for-profit universities. they can use oer. in fact, some create their own oer and share it out. what it means is it cannot be sold for profit. that is a good question and a, because sometimes colleges say can we share the textbooks in from the publisher and sell them at our bookstore and yes,

you can sell them for a reasonable market up to cover costs to sell in your bookstore. that noncommercial does not restrict you from doing that for profit university using it or colleges purchasing these textbooks for their students and selling them to them at their standard rate, the standard bookstore rate. i want to show you an example here of the difference in price that your students can experience. this particular

book on the left-hand side is in, please. it is introductory statistics book by prim man and it is popular for the math 110 course. it retails and published by wiley and sons and retails at amazon for $167 it new. it is full copyright. on is full copyright. on the right-hand side, we have introductory statistics which is published by openstax college and it is free to use online so student can download

pdf or epub or they can view it in a web browser and if they want to order a paperbound copy it is $34 + shipping and handling. or they're bookstore can order these in volume and get a discount. on those and sell to the student. and i asked what the epub was for an for students who might want to read on a tablet or phone, epub format is more friendly than a pdf format. in fact i think we have one of the

authors of this introductory statistics open textbook online today. hello barbara. barber and susan dean at (indiscernible) college wrote this textbook. it was originally called collaborative statistics and it has been adopted widely at community colleges and universities for intro statistics course. it safe students millions of dollars around the country on that particular

at this time, i wanted to to ask is anyone out in the audience either looking at open textbooks or perhaps using open textbooks right now. >> you can use your textbook if you are currently looking for oer resources are using oer we can type in the chat window either/or? >> una daly: great. jessica mentioned she is looking at

nutrition and mercedes is looking to publish her own materials. wonderful. looking for nutrition and sports nutrition. great. we shall move on. i'm looking at those and maggie is looking for computer courses and provide digital access at lower price. i may recommend these to the student computer courses. yes. that

is a good point made. publisher some ties provide digital access at a lower rate than they do other hardcopies. how do you promote this to faculty? that is an excellent question joe. we are going to get to that a a little bit leader later. i'm going to show you faculty adoption portfolios and do they have algebra books? barbara, yes, there are some wonderful college algebra and i'm glad you

asked that question. barber said get the students involved and i agree. jessica is looking for those open source nutrition books. we may have to take that went off-line, but i would love to look for those with you. that was kind of our oer overview and now we're going to get to textbook legislation. as i mentioned textbook legislation

was signed actually in 2012 and the goal was making college more affordable by promoting use of high-quality open educational resources and open textbooks for 50 highest enrolled college courses. really, this project did not get started until january 2014 and that had to do with some of the funding in the original legislation. i'm not going to go into details on that one because we don't have time. there is nothing mysterious

better required matching funding with the state and it took a well to get that matching funding set up. the legislation provided for two components. the first one was faculty oer council and that was state built 1052 1052 established open educational resource council composed of california faculty. and sb1053 addressed open source library where these textbooks and peer reviews assure they

were high-quality and additional off the option information for faculty and students will be housed. that is what we now call coolfored the open source library. i'm going to tell you about what the council is doing because in many ways, their work really guides what goes into the library. it is really critical to understand the

good work they are doing. they had being appointed by the inter-segmental academic senate and that is the senate that represents the community college, that csu and uc together. their first task would identify those 50 highest impact courses and then they have put out a survey for faculty and students and those are still active, but i will give you a snapshot of where what happened as of last summer. what we

had heard from faculty. and they had being managing the peer review panels for open textbooks and they finished their first panel in the summer and there will be another panel this fall and several next spring in summer and fall. there is opportunities for folks to get involved. if you would like to be part of that. and finally, establishing policies for gathering data to

monitor projects success. i wanted to tell you, i know mostly we have community college folks, but i so we had somebody from channel islands which is exciting. here are three representatives from each of our systems. at the community college we have diana body from napa valley college. she's child and family studies instructor they are. we have it cheryl student from course

line college who is librarian and information science faculty at coastline and arthur community college faculty is kevin yokoyama he is mathematics instructor at the college of bread words. we have wonderful folks from the university of california professors and political science information in media studies and physics and that csu we have got communications, computer information systems and english

professor who are all doing a great job. katherine harris from san jose state university is the chair. the nonvoting chair member and she is a pressure and english there. i do not have enough room all my slide to put all 50 courses here but to let you know here are the disciplines. these are 24 different plans and generally the courses that open textbooks are being reviewed for either the intro courses or

the general courses. you can see we go from accounting, art history, biology, business and i will let you read those yourself down to electronic media. and starting on the other side geography, history, math comment music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, spanish and statistics. you can see these disciplines are probably the general at discipline that your college you are concerned with as well.

i was looking for nutrition and i guess i did not see nutrition here so i apologize for that. we have keys enology. the way these courses were selected for by the highest impact courses just to let you know for students within all three systems. it does not represent just the community college of you but it is represents the first two years of college at any of our three systems.

i wanted to share with you the oer because it is very interesting . as of the end of may 2014 we received over 1000 responses from faculty throughout the three systems and a majority of our responses were from community college instructors and staff and that is not too surprising since we have more instructors then the other three systems. we

also had responses from use the was quite well represented and and also from california state university. keep that in mind as you look at the results. how familiar or you with open textbooks? this is a interesting question and probably one i should ask you as well today. i think what was surprising to some of us who have worked in open textbooks and open educational resources for a while now

is actually slightly over 60 percent of faculty who responded said i did they were unaware of them or they had heard of them but they had not seeing any open textbooks. let's take a quick poll hear of the folks that are online today. how many of you has seen an open textbook or are aware of them hired to today? and you can either click the yes,

no, or -- louis has heard of open textbooks. charlene open textbooks. charlene says no. carla and karen are yes. and where they exist and seeing them and aware of them. not being accessible -- not been successful in accessing one online. what i am seeing here is it looks like this is not all that different from the survey. it looks like slightly more of our audience

today has heard of them than were responded. there is still a lot of awareness and a lot of accessibility that needs to be addressed. i noticed somebody made a comment and out not been able to access online. that is a critical part of the california open library making those accessible to you is both faculty so you can evaluate them and put red. your

reviews that provide links for your students as well. next result is peer review. how important is a peer review of open textbook in influencing your decision to either adopt open textbook in the classroom or perhaps develop one? and this faculty strongly supported that this was an important . almost 70% of faculty said it was either very important or

important. quality is really critical. for faculty dot, the quality of the material is an essential part of it and part of that adoption process. process. i don't think we are too surprised by that. and finally, cost reduction. faculty were asked how important it is

reducing cost for your students in a decision to adopt an open textbook? this one was off of the charts. 90% of the faculty responded said that reducing costs for students was either very important or important to them. we know that faculty really do you want to make college more affordable for their students and they want to make sure it is high quality materials. these are all really great findings. now i want to talk to you more about the library and this

an evolving area. some of the things i'm talking about today are cunning in the future but you could actually follow along with me at the site if you like. it is kind if in beta right now but the california open online library is a digital collection of curated open textbooks. they have being evaluated for quality comma. reviews are coming for those textbooks. there were also be

accessibility information and what i mean by that is not only the different formats the textbook is available in, but how it supports students with disabilities. that is a really critical piece of california state university system is a real leader in accessibility of academic technology and this continues to be a real focus for them. and finally, want to show you a couple of faculty adoption showcases and these are faculty within our system we have adopted oer and they're telling their story about how that

came to about. i know there were somebody earlier to ask how do we convince faculty to look at these open textbooks? i tell that person that take a look at these adopted showcases. there are about 15 up there right now but there will be a few more by the end of the mat. these faculty tell their story of why they were motivated to adopt open textbooks in the classroom. if you are on the front page

are simply looking at the slide with me, the coolfored interface has three major components. one is defined components. one is defined component which helps you to find open resources and print open textbooks with open licenses. it has faculty showcases which are organized by discipline. if there is a specific

discipline you can go to the showcases and finally the course showcases will happier reviews for the textbooks that have being selected. good going jessica. that is great. she has reported she found to nutrition textbooks. on the find the page and i think it will go ahead and take you over there to the find page of coolfored. if we click on find here, you can everyone see my screen okay?

>> yes. it is loading. >> una daly: i'm going to go to find free and open textbooks and it is probably still loading. i know that jessica was telling us she found a nutrition textbooks and my guess is that for that comment she was either probably in

the science area or possibly in the education area. anyone on the phone want to give me a suggestion for an area we would like to look at? either arts, business, education, eumenides, math and statistics, science and technology, social sciences. anybody want to share something? >> the first one is bandage and the second one is psychology. >> una daly: i'm going to due psychology right now but the

spanish instructor, if you shoot me an email afterwards i will take you there as well. if we go to social sciences, we end up in marlowe and we have a whole series of psychological and sociology primarily. here's an intro into psychology book. this happens to be a wiki textbook but a

featured textbook and it has a pretty high rating on it. if you click through here, it actually takes you to the content there. this particular, back to introduction to psychology, this page here gives you a quick description of the textbook itself and then it tells you what formats it is available

in. this particular one is available in html, it is a wiki format but it can be printed are converted to pdf. it has creative commons license. that is one of the psychology textbooks available. there are many more. if we had more time today, i would take you through those. >> carla had a question. she asked what is the difference between the collections, marlowe versus creative commons?

>> una daly: all right. merlot is a very large reformatory for both free textbooks or low-cost textbooks. creative commons--merlot is a licenses some of the textbooks in marlowe have a creative commons license and some don't. but the coolfored uses the back and of marlowe as its database that

has a different front in. a friend in customize for the california open textbook initiative.--merlot right now some of them in beta the pages are shared and over time it will use the database in the back. it is still in a kind of beta version. that is the find portion. and then i want to -- i want to

stress the importance of accessibility. these textbooks will have accessibility information. for all of us faculty who work with students who potentially have disabilities, this information will be really important. now i want to talk about the dr. showcases what we call faculty oer showcases. these are faculty who have adopted open textbooks in their couadopted

and adopted their textbooks and how it came about. basically , what these showcases talk about is the textbook they're using and how to get to that, how to access it. what kind of ancillary materials are available to you is a faculty member. are there test banks, are there online

homework systems that come along with his open textbook. really critical information for you as faculty. then they talk about the course that is taught at the college. if it is introduction to psychology, it will map into the common course idea for that. that as we know every college has its own set of learning outcomes for their student. you will get to see exactly how that matches up with your college.

and finally they talk about the adoption process at their institution. who do they work with? did they work with librarians? did they find the textbooks? did they work with the bookstorein some cases, faculty worked with the bookstores to order a set of books for students to purchase. in some cases, teachers don't because students don't really need a printed copy or does not a requirement. students

still have the option, but there are many ways to address that. and finally student feedback. what did students at think? i can see i have being moving along here quite quickly, but i wanted to show you a number of faculty showcases. i think i'm going to have to limit it to one at this point. you can see we have showcases in biology, chemistry, mike or

microeconomics, history, college algebra, physics, public speaking, sociology, statistics. a couple are still in the process of getting posted. i'm going to actually -- since probably most of our folks online are from community colleges, i'm going to choose one. this is a wonderful one and it is an array go from college of the canyons. she and four of her faculty in the sociology

department is a professor there and the department chair. dave adopted an open textbook four or five years ago. they continue to revise it every other year and update it and it is a wonderful example of a adopted community. this one is public speaking at california state university system. this is dr. mark stoner and he adopted the public speaking project textbook. went think i'm think was

interesting in talking with mark about adopting this open textbook was, he said he appreciated the fact it did not feel compelled to use every chapter of the textbook to justify the high cost. in fact, i ended up using all of chapters, but it was organic and it came from my course design rather than a compulsion. he also as i value oer for their freedom of choice, usability, adaptability, accessibility and convenience that

they provide. another wonderful testimonial. here is a reset break that. she is a physics professor at the university of california at davis. she uses the openstax college physics book for her california physics textbook. what she says is just a quick quote that no textbook is perfect. this is a very good textbook and has lots of wonderful everyday examples for her students and it is free

online. and she supplemented it with material, but she does that with every textbook and she is very pleased with this. in fact, she surveyed her students about the use of the textbook . one semester last year she gave them a choice between commercial textbook they had being using in her department and this textbook. and her students came back pretty overwhelmingly send they

preferred the openstax physics textbook. it is wonderful when faculty actually after students as their students and an anonymous type survey and get that kind of input. and finally, this is dr. larry green from lake topalov community college. wonderful math instructor at the lake tahoe who community college

you into adopted introductory statistics which is another openstax college textbook. and briefly larry says over the years it has been frustrating to see the students in sticker shock when i told them the textbook would cost them $150 each. it is unfair those in the minority with adequate funds were the only ones who were able to purchase the

textbook. he was thrilled when he found this textbook and once again this is the one we talked about earlier that was written by two statistic professors at deanza college. it was made available as an open textbook they are. larry then adopted it and the onto right online homework system which he makes available to faculty who are interested in it. it is aligned with this textbook.

these folks started with adopting an open textbook and over time, many of them added supplementary material and the coolfored library will not only have those open textbooks dave adopted, but also have their ancillary materials. so that you is a faculty member can start out with a lot of wonderful materials as you go down this path.

this summer, the oer council worked with faculty throughout california. there was five areas are reviewed and the first five courses were public speaking, microeconomics, us history, introduction to chemistry, and introduction to statistics. what the oer council did was found a faculty member who teaches in that discipline from each of the systems and all three of those

folks, their were three on each panel. the public speaking panel had a community college professor. acs you and us professor and they are reviewed the same three textbooks. does appear reviews were completed and the end of august and they're just about to be posted on the site. stay tuned for thatu on the coolfored site you will see these courses and there will be a link for going to the open peer, open text.

reviews and this should be active at the end of november. i want to give you a few minutes to ask questions. i have a feeling there have been questions i have missed. i will certainly ask anne to catch me up on that. if you're interested in peer reviewing in your discipline, or recommending an open textbook, please take the faculty surveyed. it is there at

the eye cast website. p or website. reviewers get a stipend for reviewing open textbooks and of course the eternal gratitude of the project for those who are willing to do that. if you have already oh adopted an open textbook or open educational resource and you would like to share that, we would love to feature you in one of our showcases. please contact us at the coolfored at and we will

be happy to work with you and arrange an interview so we can share your good work with everybody. if you're interested in this and you want to share this with your students, we are also trying to get student input not only is it? right thing to do is get in student input on this because they are the primary beneficiary that this works our faculty will do. but the legislation requires that we involve students as

well. so from both perspectives, we really want to get student input in there and a survey for them is there as the california oer council has a facebook page. you can go ahead and like that and see updates. coolfored updates get posted they're and the for cool for educate go to our website and see with the latest thing is happening. the facebook is a fun way to stay informed about what is going

on on the project. now i would like to open this up for questions. >> it looks like you have been pretty good keeping up with the question so far. scott asked of the 50 courses, how many have open textbooks that can be obtained now? >> una daly: scott, we have open textbooks, what we call candidates for all 50 courses at this point. i take that

back. there are a couple exceptions. one in particular we are having a hard time with is child development. we are not finding open textbook for that. but mostly we do have open textbooks, but what i would tell you is these open , not all of them fully meet the common core idea description. right now, we are in the peer review process

were faculty who want to get involved and do these reviews are recommending their potential updates to these textbooks to make them cover the higher common core idea questions. there are candidates and please contact me if you have a particular discipline. i would be happy to share with you the open textbooks that have being compiled so far. you can also access at them through the coolfored interface, but i would be happy to take you to a specific discipline.

but wants again, until the peer reviews are completed, we don't have recommended textbooks for those courses yet. great question. and jessica asked do the open test words goods have isbn? that is a good question. open textbooks are published by many different mechanism. i briefly mentioned openstax college. i have not gone into any detail about them

that they are part of the connections, oer repository. a very old and respected repository that has been around 15 15 years which is old in the open world. they have isbn because they tend to stick to their as a publisher model but for instance, we keep textbooks that are produced on a wiki, they generally don't have isbn. it will

vary. it is a good question. jessica says i don't understand how to adopt it. jessica, at every college there are steps you take to adopt an open textbook and sometimes it starts with talking to your dean, your curriculum committee. and then it expands out from there. you have to

talk with your bookstore. there is a whole set of processes in adopting an open textbook. that because an open textbook has other pieces to it, we really recommend that you involve all of these stakeholders and make sure, particularly, if this is the first open textbook your college is getting behind in terms of adoption. i would love to share with you more. more on

that topic at another time. as anne mentioned i'm also the director of the open consortium and we have webinars that deal with specific topics like that work how you go about adoption and how you talk to your bookstore manager about the opportunities. and feel please feel free to contact me. we have a list server on there as well and have a lot of

experts , expert faculty and staff and ministers who work with oer all of the time and they're happy to answer questions for peoplea to the online books come with online resources like the paid for versions? that is a great question. we. we call the supplemental materials were ancillary work the answer is it does

depend. over time as we build up this big community, there will be more. the openstax college textbooks and i i recommend you go to openstax if you're interested in finding these books that have ancillaries. ancillaries. openstax college has published so far nine general ed textbooks ranging from biology to physics, sociology and et

cetera. they will publish 20 in the next two years and all of theirs come with ancillaries. test banks, online homework systems. that is not true of all open textbook. just to keep in mind. thank you for sharing. >> while you continue, if anyone has any additional questions, please feel free to put them in the chat window.

real quick before we wrap up today i want to thank everybody for being here with us and send out a survey for you to share how today's session went. i will put that link in the chat. i'm going to go ahead and open that for you in a browser. there browser. there is an option in that survey for you to provide

us with the request for additional topics and we love it when you let us know what you want to here about. we love to provide that information for you. if anybody has any additional questions, please feel free to put those in the chat window. thank you enough for being with us today. we appreciate you sharing the commission on cool for it. >> una daly: thank you anna. and thank you for to our

audience. they were great questions and i wish we had more time for a longer discussion and maybe we will in the future and talk more about this at the project evolves. thank you for inviting me