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hello, everyone, and welcome to my class allabout imovie. if you’ve wanted to learn the basics of video editing, well, stay tunedwe’re going to cover it all. here it is imovie 2015 coming up next on one of the things i love about imovie is thatif you graduate from imovie to using final cut pro v, it’s a very easy transition andthat is done purposefully. okay. so a lot of what you’re going to learn today whenit comes to shortcuts are basically all the same in final cut. so you're kind of trainingyour brain now so that if you decide to go to that pro level down the road you're alreadygood to go. so let's get started here. first thing i want to talk about is importingyour footage, okay. now this can come in several

different forms. you can shoot footage withyour phone, your iphone, your ipad, or just a regular digital camera. however you decideto do it there is a very easy import button. you'll see here at the top left of my screen,okay. if i click on that it will show me my various ways that i can import footage, okay. so if you had plugged in an sd card into yourcomputer it would show up here and you can select what clips you would like to import.if you have a digital camera that connects in through a usb connection, same deal, okay,very easy. if you have imported the footage with your phone what you’d probably wantto do is bring it into something like photos, which is the new version of what was previouslyiphoto. and it's pretty easy to import it

from there and i'll show you how to do thatlater on. so when you have your footage hit import all,okay. and let me go over kind of what these various boxes are, okay. so this here at thetop left is basically it’s where all of your footage is going to live. and each oneof the little boxes represents a moment in time. so you’ll see here if i drag my cursorover it, you’ll see how the footage on the right-hand side of the screen is moving. okay?so that allows me to very quickly skim through and find where in my footage i want to bringit into my actual project. here are the top right we have our previewwindow. so whether you are going over your footage that you have not yet brought intoyour project or you're looking at what your

edit is going to look like this is where you'regoing to see the preview of what it looks like. and finally down here at the very bottomthis is referred to as the timeline. okay? so this is the actual – excuse me – that’swhere the actual edit takes place. so i'm going to give you several little tricksto make the editing process easier. i would strongly recommend for those of you especiallywho are here live it is definitely a good idea to have a little piece of paper and apen handy, because just trust me, this is going to make it much much easier. so the footage you see here is all mine. forthose of you who don't know i am an aerial drone pilot. it's a really fun hobby of mine.i love it. and we’re going to be using some

of that drone footage today and we’re justgoing to whip up a little video. so well the first trick, i want to show youis when it comes to importing the footage into the timeline. so there's a bunch of keyson your keyboard that you can hit that will cause a different action to take place. themost important one when it comes to bringing the footage into your timeline is i and o.i is in point. o, the letter o, is out point. so let me give you an example. i'm skimming through footage here. this isactually a video that i’ve already edit, but we’re going to bring some of the footageback here for a moment. i'm going to hit the letter i. so i'm telling the computer thati want this shot to start right there. now

if i change my mind down the road and i wantto back it up a few frames or cut in later on a few frames, i can do that. that's nota problem. it's just the initial footage. so i'm just going to kind of scan throughand kind of figure out where do i want this footage to stop? okay. and i'm going to stopit right there. so at this point i want to tell it to stop bringing in that clip. sowe will hit the o key and you see how this section here that’s highlighted it stopsthere now. so i just told it. this is the in point. this is the out point. okay? now i want to teach you that there are threeother keys for bringing it here into your actual timeline. the first is the most importantone and frankly, the one that i use the most

we could choose the letter e, end. so, whati like to do is i bring in my footage shot by shot. it’s the easiest way to do some people will do this and they’ll kind of do it over time. they don't bringin all of their footage to their timeline first. they go through it shot by shot andedit it. and it’s one of these things where there is no right or wrong way to do it. it'swhatever's best for you. i just personally find this to be the simplest. so let's say i'm doing this shot here, okay,and now i want to cut to, let's go with, oh there’s a really nice shot here at the veryend i’ll do, okay. so i'm going to tell it to jump to the shot here. so i'm goingto hit, once again, i, give it a few seconds

and o once again. and then to go to the endof this, so i want to start with the shot and i want that to be the next shot, e. itputs that at the end of this edit. pretty cool, right? now the next – there are other ways to bringin footage so like let's say, for example, i want to bring the shot here between thesetwo clips, okay. there are different ways to do this. so this – see this thin whiteline. okay, that is the playhead. so if you drag it is showing you. i'm sorry, i’llgrab it. it's showing you where the in the edit you are right now. and if i bring itin between those two shots the other way that i can bring in footage and this may or maynot apply to some of you, let’s go to the

shot here, okay, is to use the letter w. okay?and that’s going to basically plop it right here in the middle. see how it put it rightwhere that playhead was? now there is one more option and this is somethingthat usually only kind of pro videographers are going to get into and instead you canuse the letter q. what the q does, let me just grab a quick shot here. okay, that shouldbe good right there, is this going to, it’s basically the equivalent of b-roll. so youknow when you're watching an interview and they have the person on camera talking andthen what happens is they go to a different shot but you can still hear the person. that'san example of b-roll, okay, you see them maybe walking through a park. so if i hit q, itjust kind of overlays it above this footage.

so if this were an interview, i probably wantto keep the audio here, but i just have this quick shot and then it would cut back. gotit? cool. so those are some of the really importantquick keys to be aware of when you're going through your initial edit. now another waythat you can do this and some people prefer it, okay, is you can also just drag and drop.okay? so here's a little time lapse shot i took. so i can highlight just by clickingand dragging. okay? and i can drag that shot down here to the timeline and say, okay, nowgo to this shot. like i said, there is no right or wrong way. it’s just about howyou like to do this process. so as you're going through here, sometimeswhen you're shooting footage you don't care

to use the audio. okay? so let's go to anotherhotkey. i'm going to actually right now i'm going to move remove the audio from all ofthese shots. and the way i can do that is i can just click and drag so that i'm highlightingall of them. here's a quick trick for muting. and for this you have to use a few keys. itscommand shift m, as in mute. so, did you catch that? did you see there was this little, ifi hit undo you’ll see. that wave down there that you see, that is audio waves. those areaudio waves. sorry. so when i hit command shift m it knows to silence all of those shots,which i have to be very careful with with this particular class because i don't wantto get hit with the copyright issue, there is music in the background. that's anotherone that's definitely good to be aware of.

so now what i want to do is i want to showyou how to add in photos or any footage that is in the photos library. if you look overhere at the top left corner of my screen you see we have photos library. okay? so thatis exactly what it is. this is everything that is in the photos app. okay? we've gottons of different shots here that i really use really just for just kind of dummy one of the features some people like about imovie, and i like it by the way, is thisfeature, called the ken burns effect. now, if you're not familiar with who ken burnsis. he is one of my idols. he is an incredibly intelligent gentleman and he, i believe heis in new hampshire i want to say, and he does these really amazing documentaries. he’sa multi-academy award winner. and the way

he makes them is he has these photos, andit's usually old vintage photos, and he'll for example start wide and slowly zoom inon someone's face. and while he's doing that he's got voiceover going, although he's neverhired me, hint. he’s got music, but it's this cinematic experience. it’s more thanjust a slideshow, which is one of the things i've tried to encourage you to do. don't usethe slideshow that's built in the photos, create your own, make it personal, make itcreative. so if i want to add this shot to my videoyou can probably guess what i'm going to do. i’m just going to drag it and drop it whereveri want, whether it's at the very end. i can drag it in between two shots. okay? and automaticallyby default it is going to add that ken burns

effect. so if i hit play, which by the waythis is another good one, play is the spacebar. see how it is slowly zooming in on it. coolright? very very simple. in a minute, or in a few minutes rather, i’mgoing to show you how to change the camera movements. so for example you can see thatby default this shot is just starting wide and then going – zooming into it. what ifyou wanted to do the reverse? well, you can tweak it. i will show you that in just a few. i want to start talking about transitions,titles and a few other aspects of editing and all of those you're going to find herein the content library, which is at the bottom left corner of my screen. so the first onepretty obvious is transitions. now, i always

like to warn people don’t go too crazy withthis, folks. it gets to be very distracting and it takes away from your project. i tryto encourage people to stick with the top three. right up here, we have cross-dissolve,and what you'll see is if i actually hit the spacebar while i'm hovered over this it givesme kind of a little preview of what it's going to do. okay? it’s just cross-dissolve fromone shot to the other. the next one is a cross blur, and then fadeto black is usually great when you're ending a segment or just the end of your project.and don't worry if you don't want to move that quickly you can adjust the timing ofall of these. now they have some very funky ones here and i know a lot of kids who getinto this stuff tend to go crazy with transitions,

but for those of you who are adults and tryingto create something that's professional, please i beg you stay away from them. so, let's just add a few simple transitionshere between shots. let's do a cross-dissolve and the way you add a cross-dissolve is youdrag it between two shots. so for example if i want to put it right here. i just droppedit right there and that little bowtie that you see right there is the transition. okay?and you can see if i put my cursor over it, it tells me how long it is. it’s one secondlong. now, sometimes one second can be forever,and other times it just isn't long enough. let’s see how it looks with this shot in that case it actually worked pretty

well. but what if i wanted to change the timing?okay? well if you double-click on this little bowtie icon right, here you can see you canget into the preferences for the transition so you can make it however long you want,just know you can't make it 5 seconds if the next shot is only 5 seconds long. okay, becauseyou would actually see the clip. so just to show you i can do .5 if i wantto make it shorter. okay, you can do odd numbers. if you could hit apply. it’s just to thatone shot. be careful about hitting apply to all because that will change the timing ofevery single transition in your project, which most people wouldn't really want to do. let me show you something though, let's sayyou've put hours and hours and hours into

your project and you accidentally hit applyto all or just generally you make some giant mistake. it is important that you should allbe aware of the universal command for undo. the universal command for undo is commandz as in zebra. so if i want to undo my last edit, command z. if i hit it again it willundo the edit before that and so on and so forth. once you quit out of the project, youcannot undo any more, other than if you restore the whole thing through time machine but we’renot going there. now one of the questions that someone broughtup in the chat just a moment ago, which i want to address, is saving. now this has beena problem in the past because you know it's only of course at the least convenient timewhere something goes wrong, right? you’re

on a – say you’re on an imac and you losepower. okay? well there's not much you can do. what's nice about the current versionof imovie is it auto saves. and for those of you who are curious the default locationfor where it saves the stuff is in finder. you would have your little house icon, thisis known as the home folder. it will not say pco. that stands for pcclassesonline. at leastthat's what we pretend it stands for. and in here you have a folder in here calledmovies. okay? so this is where the actual files are stored for your project. i believethis one is, yeah. it's in here, but that's where it stores the actual files. so if youever need to get at them that's where to look. okay? so that's about that. anyone have anyquestions who are here live about transitions?

i’ll wait just a moment to see if anybodyhas anything. in the meantime, let me move on to the next topic. so the next one we have here is titles. nowyou can add titles, usually two different ways. this is one of the major differencesthough i want to mention between final cut pro and imovie. so, titles can be added toeither a background or to a shot. so, for example, if i wanted to have or broadcastout of provincetown, massachusetts, maybe i want to put the location here on the screen.okay? so, to do that what you do is go through these items here, and once again, you canclick on them and hit spacebar and you'll see how they actually work. so this one isjust kind of a standard title, it zooms in

a little bit. it grows. some of these youcan modify a little bit, but not all of them. and this is one of the big, like i said, that'sone of the big, big things. so if you want to add a second line of text, some of thesewill let you and others won’t. so let's find a really simple one. i'm goingto use, what is called a lower third, which is when you see text at the bottom corner.i would like to keep it on the right though. let's do this one. expand lower third. soif you want to add a title to shot, and by the way jordan, just type your question, oh,you just did. okay. i will get to you in just a moment. so if i want to add this to my shot, you dragit onto the actual shot. okay? just like that.

see i’m holding onto my mouse so that youcan see this. see how it’s showing me it’s going on the shot. when i let go, i can typein the text here. so let me type real quick, provincetown, massachusetts. okay, now i believeby default it is 8 seconds, the title. but what you can do is you can change the lengthby clicking on this little purple bar here and see how if i put my cursor on the left-handside it turns into that, it’s like a line with an arrow. so, what i can do is clickand drag that back or forward. here well just do it. come on. there we go. see how it'sadjusting the timing of the shot. so let's make this a 5.5 second shot. whatif i don't wanted to be at the ending maybe i wanted to be here in the middle. well don'tworry, you can drag it and drop it wherever

you want. let’s put it right, and what'snice if you look at the preview window it’s showing me exactly where – actually it doesa good right there. so now if i hit play, i just want you to see what it looks like.ta-da. oh, sorry, i didn’t click that before i saved the text. there we go. enter. yougot to hit enter to save that. okay? so we’ve got that shot right there. good to go. now what if you want it on like a black backgroundor some sort of an industrial background, maybe you're doing some sort of corporatevideo. so let's grab this standard one here just so i can show you. if you want to puton top of a background what you should really do if it’s something other than black youshould actually use the next item here, maps

and backgrounds first, but i'm going to showyou here is if you were doing a black background, which is what most people would do. so in that case, instead of dropping it ona shot you drop it in between or before a shot. s, usually this is going to be the kindof thing you’ll either do at the very beginning of your project or the very end. let's dothe beginning. so i'm going to grab this and drop it right here before the shot and seehow now it's the same height here of the actual shot, so it's just the same thing, but it'son a black background and it goes into my shot. i’m going to remove that right nowso if you want to remove a transition, or a title rather, just click on it so that ithighlighted and literally just hit the delete

key. really really simple. let me move ona little bit here. now what if you do want a background of somesort, well, that’s where this next one comes in into play, maps and backgrounds. now, ifyou've ever taken one of my classes before one of the things you may or may not be awareof is i have a very deliberate process that i go through any time i design a class. andsometimes that means consciously skipping over stuff that i don't think is relevantto most people. this maps part, i don't think is relevant to a lot of people so i am goingto skip over it and just go over these backgrounds here. now, the first few that you see here, up throughunderwater, these are actually animated backgrounds.

so if you're trying to re-create finding nemo,you know you can have this nice little under the sea. that's little mermaid, anyways, youget the idea. you can have a nice little animated background just like that. we also have curtained, organic and blobs.okay? the only word of caution i kind of want to give you about using these is these arevery good – if you’re trying to do something professional they are very identifiable asbeing, as coming from imovie so i typically would advise people for to stay away fromthese. but if it's just a fun thing that you're doing for your family, whatever, have fun.go for it. if it’s a professional gig i would probably stay away from those. okay?

so if you want to add them basically whatyou do it’s just one extra step. you would drag this onto your shot and then go backto titles and drag your title onto the backdrop. see how that worked right there? so we justcreated a layer and then added a layer of text on top of that. let's undo both of those. the next one we have is music, and i wouldlike to give you a little word of warning about this. okay? so from imovie, you canupload your video to basically anywhere, whether you want to just create a file or you couldupload it to facebook, youtube, vimeo, whatever you want. if you do upload it to youtube,if you monetize the video and you use copy written music you can have a strike issuedagainst your account. so make sure that if

you are going to make money from this video,make sure it's copyright free music. i would like to at this point also mentiona resource for those of you who might be interested in doing that. so for any of you who are lookingto create a short video for your business, this is a great little resource and i havea slight request. i’m going to show you the website, but i’m going to make a requestthat you please use the link that i include in the description of this video. these folksare – we have an affiliate account with them so we get credit for the sale if youdecide to make a purchase through them. it's really inexpensive, but it's again just areally really great resource. the name of the website is called soplease, please use that link, we much appreciate

it. and this is a great way to get tons of copyrightfree music. there's a few people who are just really really good. i want to give them actuallya special shout out to one guy, because i think he's just so talented. i don't knowhis actual name, but this is the user name, adigold. a,d,i,g,o,l,d. and, this man or woman,i don't actually know produces really really high quality content. so if you go you can find everything from full song that you can use in the backgroundto just little pieces of music for something like a logo. okay? a really really great resourceto be aware of. so, if you’re going to upload it, make sureyou use that. i actually do have some copyright

free music here on this computer, which i'mactually going to pull right now. but i one i show you here is, let's say it's not forpublic use. you’re not making money off of it, you can actually use any music youhave in itunes. so with that let’s say i’m going to use my guy, honey, i’m good byandy grammer. okay, i can literally just take that track and drag it and drop it into myproject, but i'm not that i do that because i would like to stay on andy's good side. i'm going to do, just give me one moment herejust to jog around. i have some music that i can use actually by that person, who i justshowed you. let's do – i think that should be, let’s do cut, cut b. so i’m just goingto take an audio file from my computer and

i can do the exact same thing. i’m justdropping right here into the project. okay? and you’ll see here that that audio is representedby this little blue bar. i'm sorry, the greenish bar rather. okay? and at this point what iam going to do i am able to play this because like i said i do have copyright over it. soi'm just going to kind of let you see what just adding a little bit of music that toyour project. it might be hard for you to hear. transition. cut. cool, right? one other little tricks i wanted to sharewith you real quick. when i'm doing my little drone videos, for those who have seen someof them, one of the things i do is so these little peaks that you see here in the greenbar, these are showing you peaks of audio,

and one of the things that i try to do totry to make my videos really just jazz them up a little bit is i actually edit to thebeat of the music. so for example here where you heard this, okay? there’s like a beat,right there, i would usually cut from that shot to another shot, which i'll show youin just a little bit. the next one we have here is sound believe it or not your mac actually comes with a ton of sound effects, and one of thethings that you might want consider doing is you can organize it by genre or time justby clicking on either of these categories. so if you need a sound effect i mean justlook at how much stuff we got here. i mean i am scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.there's a lot of stuff here.

so in the class i taught the other day, isaid well what if you wanted may be a very light subtle tone of ocean waves in the problem, just type in wave, and oops, no wrong one. ocean is what i meant and you knowi’ve got a list of selections right there. and if you want to preview them you can justclick on them, and there's a little play button right here. so if i want to hear. i can hearhow it sounds. okay? and if you decide to do that, let me showyou this, let me just pick one here. okay, so let's say i like that audio and i dragit in. so you can have multiple layers of audio. okay? i can tell you right now it'sgoing to be way too loud. so for those of you who are here live, this might be slightlydifficult for you to see so i’m going to

try to be as verbally descriptive as i can. there's a thin black line that goes throughthe middle of this as well as the audio here. that think black line is your audio if i click on it. see how it says 100 percent? i can drag down and make it maybe 10 percentso it's really really subtle. i don’t even know if you’ll be able hear it now but,you can actually hear it a little too well and there’s no waves in that shot, so let'shit delete. oops, i hit delete on the wrong clip. undo. the other thing while we’re talking aboutaudio is again, this might be some difficult for some of you who are here live to see,see that little – there’s a little circle

icon right here on the left hand side. okay?that right there, you can actually drag in by pulling it to the right or left if you'renot opposite end of the shot. that is your audio curve so that’s a transition if i don't want the ocean waves or in this – i’m sorry – in this case the music,if i don't want it to just boom, go right in. okay? i can transition it in. so now it'sgoing to take just to make it a little more dramatic 7.9 seconds to hit the full volumethat it's going to hit for the whole clip. i know it's going to be very hard for someof you to hear. just trust me on that one. okey-dokey, so that's a little bit about audio. next one, this is just another thing i'm goingto skip over. you can bring in projects from

garageband, but we’re not cover it, becausea lot of people don't know how to use garageband. okay. the next thing we’re going to do istalk a little bit about enhancement, and then i have a few other little editing tricks ineed to show you. so, one of the things that you can do here this shot by the way is totallyuncolored corrected. that is just raw footage. you can color correct. so what you can dois click on the shot that you want to adjust. see how there’s that thin yellow bar, linearound it rather, up here at the very top right of my preview window we have severaldifferent little buttons to tweak our shot. first one we have right here. okay, it's sortof like a half circle. this is for – it’s basically like white balancing. so white balancingis when you may have seen this when people

are shooting a movie, a lot of times whatto do is they'll hold up a piece of paper or a piece of white material. and what that'sdoing is telling the camera that this color is the mathematical equation for white whenit comes to, you know, in the actual shot. otherwise it might be slightly tilted thiscolor or that color. what’s kind of nice as it's not even necessaryanymore because you can adjust it in post, but some people still do it. so with thisyou have a few different options here. i you can hit auto. see how it changed the wholelook? okay, it took away that warm tone to it and it just made it neutral. okay? that'show it probably looked really that day. next one is the color match and where thiswould be really good is when you have two

shots, okay, so like look at – so look atthis shot right now and then look at the shot. see how the lighting is totally different.match color allows you to basically look at two different shots and match the white when i click on this shot right here it's going to probably make it look like the original.okay, maybe not the best example. let's start with the one that's a little bitwider. okay, so it warmed it up to just a little bit there. i’m going to actuallygo back to the original. there we go. white balance here, okay, you can just manuallycolor correct. see how when i clicked on that it gave me that little dropper. okay? so,what i would do is i would go to the shot and click on something that is white. so forexample i might do this. this is a horrible

horrible example but there is a white buildingin the background. basically they are the same thing because it is white. and then we have skin tone balance. okay?so you're just telling it to basically correct the color based on the person's skin tone.there you go. the next one we have here is your kind oflooks like an artist palette. okay? this is true color correction. so here with this barhere, we can adjust the black levels, the gray levels and the white levels. so for exampleif i up the blacks a little bit here. what you'll see is look at the dark areas of theshot, especially right around here. you'll see it kind of removes those dark spots. okay?this is one trick you can use if it's getting

a little bit too late in the day and you makeit look like it's a little bit earlier. that's one trick that you can use. okay? you canalso go the other way, which just makes it looks at the end of the world. this next one here is one of my favorite toolsfor color correction. so this is just saturation. if you drag it all the way to the left yougot a black-and-white image, if you go all the way to the right you have a horrible usually we want something right in the middle. so i tell people is this thin whiteline that goes through middle that's neutral. okay? that's the original. pump it up justa tad. okay? just a little bit. it just enhances the color especially the blues, the reds,the oranges. okay? it’s a really nice little

trick. and then finally over here on the right-handside we have color temperature. so if i drag this all the way to the left it's going tolook like winter. okay, not quite like winter, but you can see how like basically adds alot of blues, whereas if i go the other way it looks like we’re in the mojave desert.okay? so that's that. next one we have right here is cropping andi’m actually going to jump over that and come back to it because usually people usethis more than anything for the ken burns effect. so we'll go over that a bit. stabilization,okay, if you have a handheld shot that doesn't quite look quite that great, stabilizationwill attempt to smooth it out a bit. for those

of you who are looking for a new iphone, ifyou're worried about stabilization that is where the iphone 6 plus has a bit of an least as of today's date because it does have a little bit of extra stabilization builtinto the guts of the camera. next one we have here are your audio levels.okay? so you can change through here. it's the same thing as grabbing this little blackline and dragging it up and down. okay? this shot doesn't actually have any audio, becausei removed it. but that's where you can go to adjust it. okay? the next one we have here is to reduce background.okay? so for – let’s say you're doing an interview outside and there is some sortof background noise and you want to kind of

want to cut through it. i don't know reallyhow well this works because i don't usually use this kind of the thing and frankly, i’ma final cut pro guy more than anything, but you can tell it to reduce the background noise,and there's a slide bar here so you can adjust how intense it is. if you go to too much itcan sound kind of funky though. next one we have here is speed, this speedometerright here. so let's say i have a shot, let’s say this shot right here is a little bit toofast and i want to slow it down. i can click on my clip, go here to speed. okay? and ican tell it to go slower, make it faster or i can customize it. so if you go into custom, you can actuallyjust type in the speed. so normal is 100 percent,

110 would be slightly faster, 90 would beslightly slower. let's just go to 90, hits enter when you’re done and see how extendedthis clip? okay? so now it's just a little bit. slowed down. there you go. next one we have here is something that iwould very much encourage you to probably stay from unless you’re trying to go forthis affect. this is video and audio effects. so if i clicked right here on video can see an immediate preview. okay? this makes it looks like a cartoon. this rasterizesit, rasterize, rasters the image, hard light, heat wave. okay? negative. i think the onlypeople who use that are kids. black-and-white. this is one way to achieve a black-and-whiteimage. although frankly if you're going for

black-and-white i would actually encourageyou to use the color correction tool instead, because then you can start to play with theblack levels, the gray levels and give it a really more custom look. okay? so you canjust play with that, if you like. audio effects are just ridiculous. we’re going to skipover that. so now let's go back to cropping. okay? i’mgoing to use this shot here as an example. so if i want to change the effect of thishere. so you can, you know, right now starting semi-zoomed in – i’m sorry – starting,yeah, starting to zoomed in and it – starting wide there we go and then zooms in. what ifi want to reverse that? so this is where you go into the croppingtool. and the way the ken burns effects work

is you have two boxes here. one says startand one says end. okay? so you can adjust the size of this box by either clicking onthe middle and dragging it around or you can grab a corner and resize it. okay? so let'ssay we just want to reverse. okay? i want to start tight and pull back. so i would shrinkdown the box and center my shot. what's really nice is they give you this crosshair so thatyou know where is center. okay? i think it would be little that nice if they also gaveyou rule of thirds, but that's okay. so we have that as the starting shot and thenjust click into the other box to switch. so now we’re in the end shot, so i'm been adrag that up. okay? one of the tricks about the ken burns effect is you don't want dramaticmovement. it’s easy to go crazy with this.

this is a 4 second shot right now. so theamount of time it takes to go from here to here in 4 seconds is actually pretty usually what you want to do is really just make it a very subtle detail. don't make itan exclamation point, make it, i don’t know, a comma, if we are going metaphors. now, someone i noticed a moment ago was askingabout the black bars. so you will see here, if we go back to cropping. you have blackbars on the side and this is where i always encourage people take your photos horizontallyfolks, also known as landscape mode. don't take them vertically because you can't usethem if you go to do something like this. you can utilize this black area if you want.i don't encourage you to, but, you can if

you need to. so if i extend this you’llsee it will go into that black area right there. okay? i just tend to think that it'sbest to keep your shot nice clean and stay away from it. the other cropping options we do have hereare fit, cropped, so basically with fit what it's going to do is it's just going to just,well, fit the photo. okay? crop to fill means it's going to remove that black area. so it'sgoing to just make this one image that's a solid image, just take up the entire screen.that's all. and if your photo is flipped you can flip it right here with these buttonson the side. let's go ken burns just so you can see this.i want to show you how nice, just a very subtle

movement can look. and just use enter to lockit in. now you may notice it stutter a little bit. don't worry about it. if you, especially withtransitions, you’ll see that a lot because when you finish this and you exported to whatis youtube, facebook or a file it’s going to smooth that out. so don't worry if it'sa little bit jumpy. and keep in mind i'm teaching a live class now so my computer's ram is maxedout right now. so that's a little bit about that. one of the editor tricks i need to show youhere is cutting and trimming and yes there is a difference. so if you want to make acut, meaning i want to split this into two different shots right here, is you can click,okay, so you want to make sure you have your

playhead here where you want the shot to cut.okay? and from there what you're going to do is do, i think it’s command b. yes. icouldn’t remember that for a moment. command b, so see how now this is two separate can do that. but the other part is extending or shorteninga shot. so let's say i really just wish this shot like went on a couple extra frames. youdon't have to reimport it, just put your cursor at the very end and see how my cursor hasturned into those two arrows pointing in opposite directions? just click and drag. and it willpull from your original footage. so now i got some beach in there, just like that. okay?and you can do the reverse too. next thing i want to show you, really handyfor, i just think that this really makes a

project, just gives it that extra little charm.especially if you're doing something like a family vacation or some sort of little documentaryis voice over. now, if you want a little piece of advice the audio that i am using rightnow, the microphone that i am using right now, which you hear my voice on is a $50’s really inexpensive. it’s really high-quality. i know through our web store people buy aton of them. i will include a link to that microphone in the description of this video.okay? but it's a great little investment. i use two microphones usually. one for ifi'm live, one if i'm recording like a big project. so, the two that i use are the snowballand the yeti pro. for most of you i would recommend the snowball. like i said you’llfind a quick link in the description of the

video. if you want a quick easy way to get into voiceovermode just hit v. okay? just letter v. so the way the voiceover works, is it’s automaticallyif you have music it’s going to automatically fade down the audio. okay. it’s going tofade down the music, fade in your audio and when you're done it’s going to fade downyour audio and fade back in the music so it's this nice transition, it’s not just suddenlythe music is cut to 50 percent volume. okay? so i actually had here on my desk, do i stillhave it? yes i do. thank you. i had – i was just like trying to think of somethingcreative to do to demonstrate this so i downloaded this poem called cape cod by george santayana.and i thought i would just do a little quick

demonstration for you. so, you'll notice that here on the previewwindow, okay, we have this little audio meter, and it's showing you right now the levelsof my voice. so right now they are green. they are good. if it hits yellow, you know,that's doable. if it hits red, that’s bad. so just to show you for those of you herelive just back off your computer for a moment and those of you on youtube. so i’m justgoing to loud. see how it went red. okay? so that's a sign you want to stay away from. so you want to position yourself relativelyclose to your microphone, but not so that you’re drooling on it and just relax yourvoice and get ready. now, one thing i want

to mention for those of you who decide togo with external microphone, click on this little button right here. this is where youcan switch your microphone so by default it's going to be set to this built-in microphone.okay? i’m going switch it to use snowball, so it sounds good. okay? you can adjust yourvolume levels so if you just one of those people who doesn't know how to talk quietly,new yorkers, than you can down this a little bit or if you are really quite you can adjustthe volume up. just try to stay away if you're too quiet, you’re better off just reallygetting on top of that microphone, because when you increase it you’re increase aybackground noise as well. so when you feel like you've got it good togo, okay, you want to put the playhead basically

where you wanted to come in. okay? let’sjust do right here and you can hit that little record button. and what is going to do isit’s going to rewind 3 seconds if you have 3 seconds, but it's going to give you a countdown3,2,1, and then you're good to go. so let’s just – i’m just going to do two lineson this one. so here we go. the low sandy beach and the thin scrub pine, the wide reachof bay and the long sky line, the salt, salt smell of the thick sea air, and the smoothround stones that the ebbtides wear. that's how you do a radio voice, folks. yes, i'mavailable for hire. never done it professionally, but would love to. no, that's not true i haven'tdone one commercial. so if you want then what you can do, if youlook here, you can actually see that transition

down. okay? and then transition back up. solet's hear how it sounds. the low sandy beach and the thin scrub pine, the wide reach ofbay and the long sky line, the salt, salt smell of the thick sea air, and the smoothround stones that the ebbtides wear. goosebumps, right? no, i'm kidding you. all right. so that's how you do little buta voiceover work. it’s easy. it’s fun and if you screw up you can do as many takesas you want, of course. so that's a little bit about voice over. next thing i want to do, i want to show youfun tricks here. okay? so one of the cool features i really like in imovie is this featurewhere you can sort of go from – it's probably

just as easier if i show you – let’s just,let me to show you. let me grab some additional footage here real quick that’s just a littlebit different. let's grab this. okay? just through it in there. so there is this featurewhere you can basically stop the video, flash, and do a little ken burns move and then resumes.let’s actually extend a little bit. okay? so the way this works is you want to put theplayhead, click, and put the click playhead where you wanted to flash. now go up hereto your menu bar. okay? and we have modify, and this one here called flash and hold let’s just show you how it looks. so watch this. a little ken burns effect foryou. it's especially cool for, i think that's actually really cool for sports shots.

so you see, it shows you your video and thenit takes a frame and does a quick flash transition, ken burns’s effect. yes, you can transitionthat. you can change the movement of that shot if you want. and then resumes the it's like it never ever stopped. pretty cool feature. i just thought i would justshare that with you because i thought you might like it. let’s see here, a couple of those littlethings before we go. when you're done with your projects. okay? you have a share see right here at the top right corner. okay? so this allows you to send your videoproject to a whole bunch of different sources. one is the imovie theater, and this is reallyonly useful if you use apple tv, so it basically

moves your project to the cloud so that youcan check out the final project on an apple tv. this one is a joke. you never e-mail video,folks. that's just crazy. if you want to e-mail video you export your project as a file todropbox or google drive or one of those and send the person a link. you do not try toe-mail video. it’s just way too big. itunes is great if you want to throw it onthe iphone or ipad. okay? you have to go through itunes to do that, so that's one way to doit. sorry you don't have to, not anymore. but that's the recommended method. next one we have here is youtube. okay? likei said just be careful, make sure you’ve

got good copyright authorization. okay? next one we have here is facebook. so someoneis trying to get back. vimeo, cnn and image. i don't really know why they do image as anoption. and then finally we have file. so if you want to, let's say you want to putyour project on a dvd. okay? this is where you're going to do it. so you’re going tocreate a file. okay? you can name your video projects here. so i could say provincetown.choose your resolution. please, please, please keep it as high as possible. otherwise, it'sjust going to look not great. quality set to best. that's what i would recommend. okay?you can customize it if you want to deal – if you want to customize the resolution. okay?but i'm just going to put it on best. there

we go. next, this is going to create a file. so youcan put it really wherever you want. for any of you who want to put this on a dvd or blu-raydisc something like that i would like to just give you a quick reference and i will puta link in the description of the video. there's another class that i've taught that pairsvery very well with this video, sort of like wine and chocolate, it goes very well together.toast 12 titanium. it's a fairly inexpensive piece of software. it's nice for people whodo video projects, and it is just really simple software for burning video to a disk. okay?because idvd isn't really supported anymore, it's not, and i was never a fan personallyof idvd. toast 12 is pretty straightforward.

we have a great class on that, link in thedescription of the video or you can just go to our website, let’s see here, i'm going through my notes.someone just asked a question about – oh i’m sorry. i read that question wrong. forthose of you who want me to go over something again, who were here live i will do that injust a moment here. last little thing i want to mention here thati skipped over is there is a one click enhance button. what you can experiment and see ifit makes your clip it look any better. let’s do it for this clip here. you know, it's kindof hit or miss. you know, i usually don't use it frankly, but you can check it out ifyou want.

so that's about it for imovie folks. whati want to say before we go here just real quickly for those of you who've been watchingthis on youtube or on our – well specifically youtube – if you click that little likebutton beneath the video we really appreciate it for two reasons. one you're telling uswe're doing a good job, but the bigger reason is what that actually does in the backendof youtube has to do with the seo. so you're telling other people out there that this videohas good content. that is relevant, you know, it's not one of those things were it saysit’s a class about imovie and it turns about the class about something different. we really appreciate it if you do that ourvideos. the other thing is, if you're watching

us either on youtube or our website there'sgoing to be a button that’s going to appear on your screen right now. it says subscribe.if you click on that you will subscribe to our youtube channel with one click. it's basicallythe absolute easiest way to find out whenever we come out with a new class, and of courseit's free. so if you've never been to one of our live classes. they’re a lot can sign up for those on our website. those are also free. this is david a cox i hope you've enjoyed this class on imovie, folks. class dismissed.